Be sure to check out our School PTO Facebook page for updates, meetings, and volunteer opportunities!
School Choir Volunteer Needed
St. Anthony school is in need of someone to lead our music/choir club. Contact Dr. Borzych
for more information: 303-842-4488.

St. Anthony School Enrollment for the 2024-2025 School Year
Now Enrolling for Preschool & PreKinder, and Kindergarten to 8th Grade, for the 2024-2025 School Year. Click for Tuition/Enrollment Fees and more information.

St. Anthony of Padua School 75th Anniversary
Committee volunteers and Alumni Wall Submissions needed in preparation for the 75th Anniversary Celebration of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic School.

Students Contribute Another Mural at St. Anthony’s School, Creating a New Tradition
By JODIE NEWELL Staff Writer May 25, 2024 – Casa Grande Dispatch

Scholarhips Awarded
Congratulations to Ryan Sander and Dania Jaquez-Guanajuato. Both Ryan and Dania were awarded $1000 scholarships to attend Seton Catholic High School next year.

Catholic Foundation Grant For Campus Gates
Meet the New Principal of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic School
This year, the St. Anthony of Padua Catholic School community in Casa Grande, Arizona welcomes Dr. Susan Borzych as its new school principal. In addition to her 27 years of experience as a teacher, administrator, and principal at various schools in Colorado, Borzych also brings with her the professional experience of Director of Operations at a charter school in Colorado.

St. Anthony 8th Grade Students Leave Their Mark for the Future With Mural
St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Preschool Receives Another 5-Star Rating
St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Preschool in Casa Grande, AZ, received another 5-Star rating from Quality First/First Things First! A 5-Star rating means that the program “Far Exceeds Quality Standards” in areas such as Health and Safety Practices, Staff Qualifications, Teacher-Child Interactions, Learning Environments, Group Sizes, and Communication with Parents.