Required documents to register your child (please print & complete the Emergency Info & Immunization file):
- Birth Certificate
- Up to Date Shot Records
- Court Documents (as applicable)
- Baptism Certificate (as applicable)
- First Communion Certificate (as applicable)
- Emergency Info & Immunization
2023-2024 School Year

Breakfast & Lunch Application 2023-2024
Tuition Agreement 2023-2024
Preschool & Prekindergarten Tuition Rates and Fees 2023-2024
Kindergarten to 8th Grade Tuition Fees 2023-2024
General Information
- Religious formation is one of the primary purposes of the Catholic School. Students are admitted to Saint Anthony of Padua School only if their parents agree to this concept and its implementation.
- No student is denied admission on the basis of sex, race, and national/ethnic origin.
- Admission and grade placement are temporary until such time as official transcripts are received from the student’s previous school.
- New students are accepted conditionally within a probation period until the educational and behavioral adjustments are evaluated.
- Age Requirements for children entering Preschool through First Grade:
- Preschool: Three (3) years old by September 1st of the entrance year and child must be toilet-trained.
- Prekindergarten: Four (4) years old by September 1st of the entrance year and the child must be toilet-trained.
- Kindergarten: Five (5) years old by September 1st of the entrance year.
- First Grade: Six (6) years old by September 1st of the entrance year or successful completion of Kindergarten.
- All parents must bring up-to-date immunization records at the time of registration.
- New students to our school must have proof of birth and baptismal certificates at registration, along with a physical form signed by their doctor.
- At the time of registration, tuition and daycare balances must be current at our school for current students.
Please know that our school is not supported by state equalization funds (like public schools). Our teachers are paid with tuition and fundraising moneys. The cost to educate a child in our school is $6,000.00 per year, and our school is able to meet these costs with the help of the parish, fundraising, and CTSO.
Upon completed student registration(s), we advise families in early scholarship applications before funds are depleted. CLICK HERE FOR SAP SCHOLARSHIP INFO SHEET 2023-2024. Families may apply for scholarships from the following organizations:
PreSchool & PreKindergarten
- Quality First – First Things First (United Way)
Kindergarten through 8th Grade
- CTSO – Catholic Tuition Support Organization
- CTSO DD – Disabled / Displaced
- CTSO Referral – Family & Friends Contributions
- ATC – Arizona Tuition Connection
- ESA – Empowerment Scholarship Account
- AAA – Academic Achievement Accessible
- IBE – Institute for Better Education
- TOPS – Tuition Organization for Private Schools
- ALF – Arizona Leadership Foundation
Tuition/Fee Commitment and Agreement
Each parent is required to sign a Tuition Commitment Form explaining the total (per-pupil) cost for their child’s attendance at our school, and the portion they are committing to pay for the year.
The parent/guardian may terminate their child’s enrollment upon written notice. St. Anthony of Padua Catholic School reserves the right to terminate a student’s enrollment at any time. Tuition is not refunded for the month of withdrawal or for the 1st month payment.